Get Healthy U | Chris Freytag Thu, 04 Apr 2024 17:17:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 9 Best Back Fat Exercises to Strengthen & Tone Wed, 03 Apr 2024 20:25:29 +0000 Are you ready to tone and firm up your back with my favorite back fat exercises? Back fat, bra bulge…whatever you call it, it can be bothersome. And reducing back fat takes consistent strength training and focus. If there is one thing I will tell you, it’s that you need to clean up your diet and start a regular routine of working your back and core muscles. 

So I’m giving you my favorite exercises that focus on strengthening your back. Preform these exercises first thing in the morning, on your lunch break, on-the-go, or as an addition to another workout. Consistency is the key when it comes to seeing results from strength training!

If you want to know more about why we get back fat in older age and what causes it, ready my tips on “How To Get Rid Of Back Fat Permanently.”

Add these back fat exercises to your weekly routine to tone and tighten back muscles!

Back Fat Exercise Workout Instructions:

  • Do 15 repetitions of each exercise, two sets each. Try to stay consistent and repeat this three times a week.
  • For the exercises that require dumbbells, use heavy enough dumbbells so that you feel muscle fatigue by 15 reps. If it’s too easy, go up in weight. You don’t have to be afraid of becoming bulky. Instead you will look and feel strong.

1. Overhead Pulls

The overhead pull is a great upper body exercise that uses dumbbells to strengthen your upper back muscles and shoulders. Plus, it helps with core strength and stability!

Chris Freytag demonstrating overhead pulls

How to Perform Overhead Pulls:

  1. Lie on back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Arms are extended above chest to start. Engage your abdominals.
  2. Lower dumbbells past your head keeping arms mostly straight with elbows slightly bent. Keeping abdominals tight raise dumbbells back to start. Low back should stay firm against the floor throughout.

2. Renegade Rows

The renegade row is one of the most effective compound exercises that works your back and bicep muscles while incorporating your core as well.

Chris Freytag demonstrating how to perform renegade rows

How to Perform Renegade Rows:

  1. Begin in a full plank position with dumbbells in your hands, arms extended, hands under the shoulders, and on your toes. Make your feet a little wider for a more stable base and keep your body straight from head to heels. Think long spine, butt down, and abs engaged.
  2. Pull the right dumbbell up toward the right hip keeping the dumbbell close to your side, elbow driving back. Resist rotating your shoulders and hips. Use your core strength and keep them facing the floor as best as you can.
  3. Slowly return it to the floor and repeat with the left dumbbell.

3. Reverse Grip Double Arm Row

The reverse grip double arm row is an excellent back fat move for strengthening your back, core, and arms. Plus, it can be done by just about anyone!

Chris Freytag demonstrating reverse grip rows

How to Perform Reverse Grip Double Arm Rows:

  1. Start with legs together and sit back into a slight squat engaging abdominals. Arms are in front of the body holding dumbbells at hip height with palms facing the ceiling.
  2. Draw elbows back past hips gently hugging the side body so you feel lats and triceps engage and return forward with control.

4. Single Arm Row

The single arm row back fat exercise uses dumbbells to strengthen your upper back and shoulders, and you can do it anywhere!

Single arm upper body strength exercises

How to Perform a Single Arm Row:

  1. Stand in split stance with your right foot forward and the dumbbell in left arm. Slightly hinge over from your hip flexors keeping your abdominals engaged to protect your low back.
  2. Pull the elbow straight back past your hip (keep arms close to the body- don’t let your elbow wing out.) Engage and squeeze your back muscles then lower the dumbbell back to start position with control. Perform desired of reps and repeat on the other side.

5. Superman

The superman move is one of the top back fat exercises for focusing specifically on the lower back, in addition to helping with your core muscles and stabilization.

woman performing superman exercise best back fat exercises

How to Perform the Superman:

  1. Lie down on stomach with arms and legs long. Draw abdominals up and away from the mat and pull shoulders down away from ears.
  2. Squeeze abs, back muscles and glutes to lift arms and legs off the mat.  Release to start position with control.

6. Resistance Band Row

The resistance band row is one of the best back fat exercises for working your upper back muscles located around and between your shoulder blades. Training your upper back muscles also helps with good posture and balance.

Chris Freytag demonstrating a resistance band row wearing a red top and blue exercise pants

How to Perform Resistance Band Rows:

  1. Begin in a seated position on the floor with legs straight out in front of you.
  2. Holding handles, place the center of the band around feet, then wrap each end inside and around each foot one more time to make a loop on each foot.
  3. Sit tall with abs tight and hold handles in front of you with elbows bent next to your side.
  4. Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and elbows are behind you. Slowly release.

7. Press Backs

The straight arm press back is an effective move for targeting your upper back, rear deltoids, and triceps. The back of the arms can be a challenging spot to target, and this move gets it done!

Shoulder press back exercise

How to Perform Press Backs:

  1. Start with feet hip distance apart. Engage your abdominals and sit back into a slight squat. Dumbbells start at the sides of the knees.
  2. Keeping the core engaged press the dumbbells past your hips and return with control. Avoid swinging the arms or bending the elbows.

8. Swimmers Exercise Move

The swimmers exercise strengthens your lower back and core muscles while teaching your body to stabilize.

Chris Freytag demonstrating swimming back fat exercises

How to Perform the Swimming Exercise Move:

  1. Lie on your stomach with the legs and arms extended. Engage your abdominals so you feel your transverse abdominis contract.
  2. Lift your arms and legs off the floor and keep your nose in a hover above the mat. Flutter your arms and legs, moving from the hips and shoulders (not the knees and elbows) like you’re swimming.

9. Full Plank

A full plank is one of my favorite back fat exercises, and full body move, that strengthens your lower back, core, arms, shoulders, and chest muscles. Talk about a powerhouse!

Chris Freytag demonstrating a plank

How to Perform a Full Plank:

  1. Begin kneeling on all fours with hand directly under shoulders and toes on the mat.
  2. Tighten abdominals and raise your body up off the floor, lengthening legs behind you. Hold entire body tight for desired amount of time and breathe.

Remember, like with all strength training, getting rid of stubborn back fat takes consistency. There is no quick fix when it comes to reducing body fat, but the good news is: if you put your mind to it, do the back fat exercises and eat clean, you’ll notice a smoother look in your t-shirts and tanks! 

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How to Get Rid of Back Fat Permanently (From a Personal Trainer) Wed, 03 Apr 2024 18:51:28 +0000 Learn how to get rid of back fat for good with my expert lifestyle, exercise and nutrition tips.

Eliminating back fat isn’t as simple as doing a few push-ups and calling it a day. And I know firsthand that as we age, our skin loosens and we notice sagging and bra bulge. Let me give you practical information on how to deal with back fat and the best way to get rid of it.

Here are my favorite tips for how to get rid of back fat after years of training thousands of women and also dealing with my own aging body:

1. Focus on Nutrition

While you might just want to dive into back fat exercises, the truth is: it starts with your diet.

In an editorial by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers noted that excess sugar and carbs—not physical inactivity—are primarily to blame for the growing obesity epidemic. No matter how much you move, eating poorly is working against you and it will win every time.

Excess calories, especially those in the form of sugar and unhealthy fats end up as fat on your body, and that includes your back. A healthy diet doesn’t mean starving yourself. The key is to choose healthy, whole foods.

Clean eating includes lots of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. The choices are wide open!

Walk the perimeter of your local grocer or visit a farmers market just to see your options. If you’re not sure how to start, try our Ultimate Guide to Healthy Eating ebook for a little guidance—we’ve got TONS of tips on how to make clean eating a natural part of your daily life.

2. Do Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardio exercise burns calories. And for fat loss, you need to burn off more calories than you take in. Cardio exercise alone can’t tone your back but it can help you create a calorie deficit which is needed to lose fat.

The CDC recommends 150 minutes of heart pumping cardiovascular exercise a week. There are so many great cardio exercise options available, including these 9 cardio workouts for weight loss that don’t include running!

Here are a few forms of cardio exercise, and their benefits for your back muscles:

Cardiovascular ExerciseExercise Benefits
Jumping RopeBurns calories
Tones back muscles
SwimmingLow-impact exercise
Full-body workout
Targets back muscles
Power Walking Improves cardiovascular endurance
Burns calories
Easy to stay consistent
RowingEngages entire back and upper body muscles
Provides cardiovascular workout
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)Burns calories
Boosts metabolism
Reduces overall body fat

Varying your workouts to include both lower intensity and higher intensity activities helps shake up your stubborn metabolism and get things moving in the right direction toward fat loss. And remember, high intensity doesn’t have to be high impact. You can get your heart rate up while keeping your movements low impact!

3. Strength Train Your Entire Body

We all start to lose about a half pound to a pound of muscle a year after the age of 35 if we aren’t actively replacing it. Yup, there is no magic pill to build or maintain muscle. You have to do it through strength training.

So how do you build muscle? Work the muscles, of course! “Without question, exercise is the most powerful intervention to address muscle loss”, explains Nathan K.LeBrasseur, Ph.D. from the Mayo Clinic. 

The best weapon against body fat and to tone and firm up is to strength train your whole body and in this case, when talking about back fat, focus on your back.

And if you become sedentary in your mid life, you will notice weaker back muscles, and a slumping posture. Your best defense against this happening is to work your back muscles.

Check out my 9 favorite back fat exercises to tone and firm your back!

A few things about muscle you should know:

  • Muscle tissue is active. The more muscle you have, the more efficient your body is at burning calories even at a resting heart rate.
  • While spot-reducing fat doesn’t work, spot sculpting does. When you lose body fat, you shed it all over your body. But you can spot train certain muscle groups to tone that specific area. If you want a stronger more defined back, work the muscles in your back and firm up that bra bulge.

4. Stand Up Tall

Standing tall with your shoulders back and lower abs pulled in tight will make you look both taller and leaner all over. And, if posture is really a problem for you, try Pilates!

Pilates is another form of strength training that is a method. Pilates teaches you to engage your core, strengthen your lower back, practice good posture and keep your back and shoulders stable and strong. Professional athletes everywhere have learned the wonders of Pilates.

Get started with a few of my pilates workouts:

You can also use postural exercises that specifically target the back muscles and improve posture:

Postural ExerciseExercise Benefits
Bird DogStabilizes the core and strengthens the back muscles, promoting good posture.
SupermanTones the back muscles and improves overall spinal alignment.
Bridge PoseStrengthens the glutes and core, supporting proper posture and reducing back fat.
PlankEngages the entire core and back muscles, improving stability and posture.

5. Make Better Lifestyle Choices

Along with nutrition and exercise, there are numerous lifestyle changes you can make to improve your efforts to strengthen and tone your back.

These suggestions will help you follow healthy habits and crush your daily routine:

  • Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep impacts your overall health and wellbeing. Follow my science-backed tips for getting better sleep to avoid hormonal imbalances that can cause unhealthy cravings and upset your body’s natural fat-burning process.
  • Manage Your Stress. Chronic stress can negatively impact your body’s ability to lose fat (including back fat). Use my favorite stress reducing strategies like meditation, breathing exercises, daily yoga practice, and regular exercise to minimize the amount or cortisol released into your body.
  • Avoid Excessive Alcohol. Alcohol drinks are usually high in calories, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients. Plus, you may not make the best nutrition choices when partaking. Consider reducing your alcohol intake to help your back fat reduction efforts.
  • Drink More Water. Drinking enough water every day supports your overall health, and your fitness goals. Water helps flush toxins from your body, aids in digestion, and helps control appetite. Use my favorite tips to drink more water every day to get your 8 glasses!

Whether it’s something that’s always bothered you or a new frustration that has appeared with age, doing everything to get rid of back fat can be a serious pain.

If you follow my tips to tone your back, you’ll feel more confident, lose weight, and most importantly, gain strength for more flexibility and mobility to do the things you love to do!

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5 Women’s Fitness Myths I’m Begging You to Ignore Tue, 02 Apr 2024 19:15:33 +0000 As a fitness expert with decades of experience, the women’s fitness myths flying around the media drive me crazy. I thought it would be fun (and useful!) to take you through some of the most common fitness myths, and give you the real answers.

I’m Chris Freytag, a certified personal trainer and health coach. I’m 58 years old and I’m through menopause. I’ve trained thousands of women and I help midlife women navigate their health journey to look and feel their best. Today, I’m ready to bust some myths.

These are the top women’s fitness myths I’m begging you to ignore!

Myth #1: Spot Reduction Works

Spot reduction is the idea that you can choose one area of your body to lose fat. And, I’m here to tell you spot reduction does not work. When you lose weight and lose fat, it uniformly comes off all over your body. You can’t just pick an area to lose fat.

However, as you are losing fat, you can gain muscle and you can spot sculpt. So if you want a bigger bicep, then pick up a heavier weight and do bicep curls! If you want toned shoulders, do shoulder exercises.

Keep in mind to see the muscle sculpting you are working on, you need to lose the top layer of fat to see it. I always say, “You need to shed the padding to see the inner workings of your muscles.”

Myth #2: Cardio is the Best Way to Lose Fat

I love cardio. Cardio is great for heart health, and for me, it’s great mental health. But the secret to aging gracefully, losing fat, and maintaining your metabolism is strength training.

As we get older, we lose muscle. We lose about a half a pound to a pound of muscle a year starting around the age of 35, if we are not actively replacing it. And the key is strength training.

If you are over the age of 40 and you are not strength training, it is absolutely time to start! More muscle, a better metabolism. And it’s just a fact that stronger people move more than weaker people. Get strong not just older.

New to strength training? Start with my favorite strength training moves for women over 50.

Myth #3: The More Exercise, the Better

The next myth I commonly hear is that the more exercise, the better. That is also not true. Overtraining can lead to injury, can lead to feeling more tired, and can also lead to other health issues. The key is to listen to your body.

As we get older, things change. Rest and recovery become a key part of keeping your body healthy. I, myself, at age 58, am doing way more mobility training and stretching than I ever have, and it feels great.

Explore the best ways to add movement to your day whether it be a cardio workout, a walking pad during your workday, or a daily yoga practice. Find a level of activity that pushes you, but feels comfortable and healthy.

And as we age, moderate low impact exercise seems to be a little easier to stay consistent with doing.

Listen to your body, and don’t feel pressured to over-do it!

Myth #4: Menopausal Weight Gain is Inevitable

Another myth I hear all the time from midlife women is that when you are in perimenopause or post menopause, weight gain is inevitable. There’s nothing you can do about it. That’s simply not true.

Yes, your hormones are changing, but you are in charge. How you move your body and what you eat makes a difference.

For many of us getting older, we forget to pay attention to the fact that our lives may be naturally becoming more sedentary. Not always, but a lot of us used to be chasing kids or running from sporting event to sporting event. We’re sitting on the couch a bit more, spending more time at our desks, and ultimately burning less calories throughout the day.

And if you’re not strength training you’re also burning less metabolic calories. Muscle burns more calories at a resting heart rate than body fat does. The less muscle you have, the less you burn.

And yes, weight gain can happen. But you are in charge of what you put in your mouth. That’s the number one decision you make every day. So get rid of the processed food, chemicals, and junk that cause low energy and increase cellular inflammation.

Focus on the best foods for menopause symptoms, and move your body more!

Myth #5: Strength Training Will Bulk You Up

The last myth I hear all the time is, well, I’m afraid to lift weights, especially heavy ones, because I’m afraid I’m going to bulk up. You will not bulk up. Most of us females do not have the testosterone levels to support bulking up like you think of when you think of somebody getting a lot of hypertrophy.

So pick up those weights. If you’re just getting started, 5 pound weights are perfect. Don’t hurt yourself, but work your way up. Maybe eventually you’re using 10, 12, or 15 pound weights.

Be consistent, and focus on building muscle.

A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the same. But think of a pound of muscle like a piece of meat. It’s small, compact, and dense. Think of a pound of fat like cotton candy. It’s got a lot of air in it. It takes up a lot more space.

So the more muscle you have, you may actually shrink your body.

As a fitness expert, I want women to understand how their body works so they can live their best lives. Knowledge is power and unfortunately there are so many flawed messages in the media. I love debunking these common women’s fitness myths and hope that you can make the best strategic choices for your health and wellbeing.

It’s never too late to start making impactful lifestyle changes for your future!

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Target Heart Rate Zone Calculator (Quick & Easy!) Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:08:59 +0000 Your target heart rate zone—the range of heartbeats per minute you should aim for while exercising—can boost cardiovascular health, increase calorie burning, and make your workouts more effective and efficient.

Everyone loves a good heart-pumping workout—but are you pushing yourself too hard? Or maybe not hard enough? Monitoring your heart rate during exercise is essential for optimizing your workout intensity and efficiency.

You don’t want to overdo it, but you also don’t want to let yourself off too easy—and that’s where your target heart rate zone comes into play.

I’m going to explain benefits of exercising within your target heart rate zone, how it’s calculated, and tips for optimizing each training zone.

What Is a Target Heart Rate Zone?

Your target heart rate zone is the range of heartbeats per minute that you should aim for during exercise. It’s based on factors such as age, fitness level, and specific medical conditions, and helps ensure you’re exercising at the optimal level for your specific fitness goals.

Knowing your optimal heart rate range can help you work smarter, not longer—saving precious time and making your workouts way more effective.

Working out within your target heart rate zone can also:

  • Optimize cardiovascular health: Exercising in your target heart rate zone helps strengthen your cardiovascular system (including your heart and lungs), improves blood circulation, and increases the efficiency of oxygen delivery to your muscles. This improves endurance and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure.
  • Burn more calories: At the right training intensity, your body utilizes a greater amount of energy, which results in more calories burned (ideal for weight loss).
  • Boost your overall fitness: Regularly exercising within your target heart rate zone can increase your aerobic capacity, muscle strength, and endurance. This helps your body recover from intense workouts, which reduces the risk of fatigue and injuries.

What are the Heart Rate Training Zones?

First, it’s important to look at the different heart rate zones that correspond to different workout intensities. Keep in mind that these zones are based on a maximum heart rate of 100 percent—in other words, maxing out your heart!

Before explaining each zone in more detail, here’s a quick breakdown:

Zone 1 (Light)A walk with friends.
Zone 2 (Easy)A power walk or easy jog; you are able to carry on a conversation.
Zone 3 (Moderate)A run; you can speak in phrases, but it’s not conversational.
Zone 4 (Hard)You are unable to speak; you’re breathing and panting through your mouth.
Zone 5 (All Out)A sprint; complete overload after 30 seconds or so.

Now that you have a general idea, let’s look at each zone in more detail:

Zone 1: Recovery

This is characterized by a heart rate that is 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, ideal for warm-up exercises and active recovery. Think of this zone as a walk with friends—you’re moving, but your breathing is moderate, and you can carry on a conversation and even laugh. It’s something you could do for a long time.

Zone 2: Fat Burning

The fat-burning zone corresponds to a heart rate of 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, which is where your body starts to burn fat for fuel. This zone would be like going for a jog—you are still able to breathe through your nose, but you need to use your mouth a bit more than you would during Zone 1.

Zone 3: Aerobic

This zone falls within the range of 70-80% of your maximum heart rate, where your body gains the most cardiovascular benefits and improves endurance. Think of running rather than jogging—it’s more intentional and purposeful. You breathe solely through your mouth. Think of “serious work” for this zone.

Zone 4: Anaerobic

The anaerobic zone is characterized by a heart rate of 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. This is the first crossover from aerobic (with oxygen) to anaerobic (without oxygen). Simply put, you run out of breath! Think of this as a “go hard” zone, such as performing intervals (as you would with a HIIT workout) where you go hard for a short time, then take a quick recovery before starting again.

Zone 5: Red Line Zone

Here, you’re reaching a heart rate of 90-100% of your maximum heart rate. It is the highest intensity zone and should be approached with caution. Typically speaking, this zone is reserved for serious, endurance athletes because you work to your maximum heart rate. The training times are super short—seconds—and very intense. Zone 5 will make you feel like every muscle in your body is burning.

The best way to train within your target heart rate zone is to monitor your heart rate during exercise by checking your pulse or using a heart rate monitor. Choose workouts that elevate your heart rate to the desired zone, and then adjust the intensity as needed to stay within your target range.

How to Calculate Your Target Heart Rate Zone

To calculate your target heart rate zone, you need to determine your maximum heart rate and the desired percentage of that maximum you want to reach while working out. (For example, if you want to reach 70 to 80 percent of your max heart rate, you’ll choose exercises in Zone 3.)

The most commonly used formula is the Karvonen method, which takes into account your resting heart rate and provides a more personalized range.

To calculate on your own, here are the detailed steps (Karvonen formula):

  1. Figure out your resting heart rate (RHR): Take your pulse in the morning after waking up, before any physical activity.
  2. Calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR): Subtract your age from 220.
  3. Find your heart rate reserve (HRR): Subtract your resting heart rate from your maximum heart rate. The formula is: (220 – Your Age) – Resting Heart Rate = Heart Rate Reserve
  4. Determine the lower end of your target heart rate zone: (Heart Rate Reserve × 0.50) + Resting Heart Rate = Lower Limit
  5. Determine the upper end of your target heart rate zone: (Heart Rate Reserve × 0.85) + Resting Heart Rate = Upper Limit


Here is an example of a person 30 years old with a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute (BPM):

Maximum heart rate220 – 30 = 190 BPM
Heart rate reserve190 – 60 = 130 BPM
Lower limit(130 × 0.50) + 60 = 125 BPM
Upper limit(130 × 0.85) + 60 = 171.5 BPM

What Heart Rate Zone Should I Train In?

Now that you know your zones and how to calculate your max heart rate, the question remains: Which zone should you train in for best results?

The general rule of thumb is to reach Zone 1 every day if you can! Shoot for a few Zone 3 workouts per week, and try interval training in short bursts in Zone 4 twice a week. Let’s take a look at how this breaks down:

Beginners: Zones 1 and 2

Zone 1: This is essentially your basic movement zone. Since we know that “sitting is the new smoking,” it is important to get just a little movement in every day. Try using a walking pad during your workday, practicing light yoga, sneaking in your gardening or tackling a good deep clean on your house.

Zone 2: This zone is particularly beneficial if you have been inactive for some time or are a beginner to exercise. Try to get into Zone 2 at least three to four times a week while you are getting in shape. Newbies should spend several weeks focusing on Zones 1 and 2 before moving on. Once conditioned, Zone 2 can be a recovery day following an interval workout.

Intermediates: Zones 2 and 3

Once you are physically conditioned, most of your training should be done here. The idea in Zone 3 is to work as hard as you can sustain for 30 to 60 minutes. Try to get a 30-minute workout in Zone 3 at least three times a week.

Remember, you want to be working hard enough to break a good sweat and breathe heavy through your mouth. Don’t forget to incorporate Zone 1 and 2 activities as part of your recovery days rather than just sitting around in between good workouts. Remember, moving is the key!

Advanced or Looking For More: Zones 4 and 5

Zone 4: Want to lose weight more quickly? Interval training is your key. Interval training using Zone 4 only needs to be done twice a week to get amazing results! Research shows that shorter, high-intensity workouts can do more for your health than longer, more leisurely workouts.

Make sure you have spent time in zones 2 and 3 before moving into interval training. The bonus is that due to the high intensity nature of the zone 4 exercise training, you will only need 20 minutes to achieve results. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a great way to achieve this. Check out our complete guide to HIIT for beginners.

Zone 5: As stated earlier, you are unlikely to train in Zone 5 unless you are a highly trained athlete or a very fit exercise enthusiast (e.g., you’re training for a triathlon).

One last thought: Remember that as you become more fit, your resting heart rate will be lower, and your heart rate zone will change. You always want to improve and challenge your heart!

Once you spend enough time in a certain zone and it becomes more comfortable for you, it’s time to push a little harder and get that heart pumping a bit more. Challenge = Change.

Before Getting Started

If you have not been exercising regularly and want to start training using these zones, answer these questions first:

  • Are you a man over 40 or a woman over 50?
  • Have you ever been told you have heart problems or high blood pressure?
  • Do you often feel dizzy or light-headed, or notice chest pains?
  • Have you had any other health problems or surgeries that you think might complicate your workouts or put you at risk?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, it’s important to check with your healthcare provider before starting a workout program and training your heart.

To further your research and get more precise data, you can also check out our top picks for heart rate monitors—they can help you be more precise as you’re exercising so you can determine what zones you’re in during a workout.

14 Day Power Walking Challenge for Weight Loss Wed, 27 Mar 2024 17:47:43 +0000 If you are ready to transform your health and energy levels, lace up your shoes and join me on a 14-day journey to boost your activity levels through walking! Whether you’re a seasoned walker or just starting out, this power walking challenge is tailored for you.

You might be shocked by your results, because walking works. Study after study proves that people who walk regularly stay more youthful, stronger, and happier in old age.

Whether you like to walk on a treadmill, around your workplace, or in your neighborhood, walking can and should easily be incorporated into your daily life. I’m a huge fan myself. I try to walk a few miles at least six days a week and notice the difference it has made in my physical and mental health.

My free 14-day power walking challenge for weight loss will help you reach 10,000 steps a day by the end of two weeks. Ready to get started?

14 Day Power Walking Challenge Instructions

The goal of this power walking challenge is to increase your daily steps over a period of two weeks. If you’re a total beginner at consistent walking, don’t worry. You’ll start at your current daily step count and build as you go. Make it a competition with yourself, or a friend, for extra fun!

If you’d like to learn a little bit more about the basics of power walking before you start, check out my power walking for beginner’s guide.

Follow these guidelines to complete my power walking challenge:

Days 1-3:

Start with your current daily step count. Whether it’s 2,000 or 5,000 steps, take note of it.

Each day, add an extra 500 steps to your baseline. This could mean a quick stroll around your neighborhood, parking a bit farther, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

By the end of Day 3, you should aim to reach around 6,000 steps per day.

Days 4-7:

Now, let’s ramp it up. Increase your daily steps by 1,000 each day. This might require a bit more intentionality, but it’s worth it!

Utilize breaks during work or leisure time to squeeze in short walks.

By Day 7, aim for approximately 8,000 steps a day.

Days 8-14:

The final push! Increase your daily steps by 500 each day until you hit the 10,000-step mark.

Make walking a part of your routine. Take longer walks during lunch breaks or after dinner. Celebrate your progress and persistence!

Sample 14 Day Power Walking Challenge Calendar

Here is a sample calendar to help you visualize what your power walking challenge could look like!

Day 15,000 Step Goal
Day 25,500 Step Goal
Day 36,000 Step Goal
Day 46,500 Step Goal
Day 57,000 Step Goal
Day 67,500 Step Goal
Day 78,000 Step Goal
Day 88,500 Step Goal
Day 99,000 Step Goal
Day 109,500 Step Goal
Day 1110,000 Step Goal
Day 1210,000 Step Goal
Day 1310,000 Step Goal
Day 1410,000 Step Goal (You did it!)

Power Walking Challenge Tips

These tips will help you get the most out of my 14 day power walking challenge while keeping yourself comfortable and pain free.

  1. Use a fitness tracker or smartphone app to monitor your steps. Aim for 10,000 as your end goal, but any increase in activity is a win!
  2. Remember, every step counts. Daily activities will contribute to your total steps, but intentional walking workouts will help you reach your goal faster.
  3. Stay hydrated while walking using a few of my favorite tips for drinking more water every day.
  4. Invest in a great pair of shoes! Poor shoes can lead to injury, blisters, bruising, plantar fasciitis, and more. This is my guide to choosing the best walking shoes.
  5. Try a trendy walking pad to get more steps during the workday if you’re stuck at your desk.

Calculation Tip: If you aren’t using a step tracker, remember that approximately every 2,000 steps is roughly equivalent to a mile.

Check out my power walking beginners guide for even more advice!

Join me in this journey towards better health and vitality. Let’s step into a healthier lifestyle together. Happy walking!

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Best Walking Shoes: A Personal Trainer’s Guide Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:53:25 +0000 How do you choose the best walking shoes with so many available options? Take it from a personal trainer, I’ve walked countless miles in my shoes and I’m breaking down the most important features to shop for!

I love shoes. But unlike most women, instead of a high heel collection, I collect athletic shoes. And as a fitness expert who logs many miles walking, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of wearing proper walking shoes for your health.

Whether you’re strolling through the park, tackling urban streets, or going long distances, the best walking shoes play a crucial role in supporting joint health and your overall well-being. That’s right, about a quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet, along with many joints, tendons, and ligaments!

I’ve had to pay more attention to the support I’m giving my feet because it can truly affect back pain, hip pain, knee pain and more. (Getting older is so much fun isn’t it?)

A good walking shoe can make all the difference when it comes to comfort and pain management. Which is why I wanted to share the top features to look for when shopping for your new favorite pair of walking shoes.

Important Features in a Good Walking Shoe:

Here’s why investing in a quality pair of walking shoes is essential, along with key features to consider.

Impact Absorption

Walking generates repetitive impact on your feet, ankles, knees, and hips. Quality walking shoes feature cushioning systems, such as EVA foam or gel inserts, to absorb shock and reduce stress on your joints. Look for ample padding in the midsole and heel areas to provide excellent shock absorption.

Keep this list of my favorite leg stretches handy to use if your muscles start to feel tight!

Supportive Structure

Proper arch support is vital for maintaining the natural alignment of your feet and preventing overpronation or supination. Choose a good pair of walking shoes with arch support tailored to your foot type, whether you have high arches, flat feet, or neutral arches.

A supportive midsole and heel cup will stabilize your foot and enhance overall comfort.


Walking for extended periods can lead to sweaty feet and discomfort if your shoes lack adequate ventilation. Opt for walking shoes made from breathable materials like mesh or synthetic uppers to promote airflow and keep your feet cool and dry.

A breathable upper helps prevent blisters and fungal infections while maintaining comfort on long walks.

Lightweight Construction

Heavy, bulky shoes can weigh you down and tire out your legs faster. Look for lightweight shoes that won’t impede your natural stride and allow for effortless movement.

A lighter shoe reduces fatigue and enhances agility, making it easier to maintain proper form and technique during extended walks.

Flexible Sole

Your walking shoes should provide flexibility in the forefoot to facilitate a smooth heel-to-toe transition with each step. A flexible sole allows your foot to bend naturally, promoting a more efficient gait and reducing strain on your muscles and tendons.

Also consider the toe box. I like a wide toe box for comfort but you need to access your own foot and what is the best fit for you. 

Durable Outsole

The outsole of your walking shoes should offer reliable traction to grip various surfaces and prevent slips or falls. Choose shoes with a durable rubber outsole featuring multidirectional treads or patterns for enhanced grip on both wet and dry terrain.

A durable outsole ensures long-lasting performance and stability, even on rugged trails or uneven surfaces.

Proper Fit

Above all, ensure your walking shoes fit comfortably and securely to prevent blisters, hot spots, and other foot problems. Visit a reputable shoe store to have your feet professionally measured and fitted for the right size and width.

Or order two sizes online and keep the one that fits best. Make sure to try on with the proper socks.

Running Shoes for Walking?

Yes, running and walking shoes use similar motions and you can wear a running shoe for walking. Running shoes today tend to be lighter weight but with today’s technology they offer lots of support.

Even though running (high-impact) and walking (low-impact) are different kinds of exercise, the features I listed above are important for both!

My Favorite Walking Shoes Right Now

I’ve been wearing New Balance brand for walking workouts for a while. The fit is great for my wider feet and the cushioning is exactly what I need.

I’ve been wearing the “fresh foam” technology on and off since it came out back in 2014, and it lasts. I have found other shoes to break down faster, but New Balance with fresh foam last for months, and actually years depending on how much you walk. (It is recommended to upgrade your walking shoes every 300-500 miles.)

I also love the arch support and the styles and colors. When it comes to New Balance, the quality speaks for itself. 

Here are the two walking shoes I’m rotating right now:

New Balance 1080 V13

I’m loving this New Balance 1080 V13 in the Seasalt/Purple Fade/Quarry Blue color.

New Balance 880 V14

I’m also loving these New Balance 880 V14 in the Grey Matter/Taro/Bleached Lime Glo/Gulf Red color!

*I’ve partnered with Schuler Shoes, a local shoe store with 10 locations in the greater Twin Cities area. They have a variety of brands and a vast knowledge of how to fit your feet properly if you shop in store. You can also have a robust online store. Here are some of my favorite athletic shoes and recovery shoes to check out. 

By prioritizing these features in your walking shoe selection, you’ll not only maximize comfort and performance but also safeguard your foot health and well-being during every step of an active lifestyle.

Remember, investing in quality footwear is an investment in your overall health and enjoyment of walking as a beneficial exercise activity.

Getting Started With Walking

Use any of my walking guides or walking workouts to get started logging miles in your new shoes!

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10 Best Leg Exercises For Bad Knees (Gentle & Effective) Fri, 22 Mar 2024 19:08:15 +0000 These leg exercises for bad knees are expertly designed to help you strengthen and tone your legs with little to no strain on your knee joints. Take it from a personal trainer, you can get a killer workout while keeping pain and injuries at bay!

Think about all of the movements you do in a single day. Many of them have your knees to thank! Movements at the knee joint are essential to everyday activities — and suffering from bad knees can severely impact your daily routine and overall wellness.

The key to knee strength is strengthening the muscle groups that surround and protect the knee joint, namely the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and adductors (inner thighs) — and these ten lower-body strengthening exercises are designed to do just that. I’ve included a mix of exercises, some that require just your bodyweight, while others use equipment such as a resistance band or medicine ball.

You can do a few or all of my knee-strengthening exercises. Use them regularly for the best results!

Leg Exercise Workout Instructions:

  • Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds between exercises.
  • Repeat the entire circuit of the ten lower-body exercises twice for a 20-minute lower-body workout to combat knee pain.
  • Don’t forget your warm up! You can do a march in place, leg swings, a heel-to-toe walk, or butt kicks.

Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing knee conditions or concerns.

1. Supine Straight Leg Lifts

The supine straight leg lift is a great exercise to strengthen your core muscles, improve your hip flexor flexibility, and enhance overall stability.

chris laying down on yoga matt in purple top

How to Perform Supine Straight Leg Lifts:

  1. Lay on your back with legs out straight and toes pointing up.
  2. Squeeze the right quad and raise the right leg off the ground a few inches. Hold and squeeze for 10 seconds, then release. Complete ten repetitions and switch legs.

2. Banded Leg Extension

I love banded leg extensions because they are a great move to target your quadriceps and lower body strength while promoting knee stability.

blond woman in purple top with one leg elevated

How to Perform Banded Leg Extensions:

  1. Sit on the ground or in a chair with a small loop band around your ankles.
  2. Step down on the band with your right foot, anchored at that spot.
  3. Flex your left foot and press out, squeezing the quad as you lengthen. Hold briefly and return your foot down very slowly. Repeat ten times and switch legs.

3. Inner Thigh Squeeze

The inner thigh squeeze exercise strengthens your adductor muscles while toning your inner thighs.

woman sitting with red ball between her knees

How to Perform an Inner Thigh Squeeze:

  1. Sit on the ground or in a chair and place either a small, squishy ball or a rolled-up towel between your knees.
  2. Squeeze your inner thighs and press in on the ball or towel as hard as you can, hold for the count of 3, then gently release but not so far that you drop the towel. Squeeze right away again. Repeat ten times.

4. Body Bar Inner Thigh Lift

This body bar inner thigh lift is a great way to engage your adductor muscles, which promotes inner thigh strength, stability, and toning.

woman laying on side with pole for knee stretch

How to Perform a Body Bar Inner Thigh Lift:

  1. Begin by laying on your right side on a mat or carpet with the body bar or weighted bar in front of you.
  2. Bend the knee of the top leg (left leg) and set that foot down in front of the bottom leg, which stays long on the ground.
  3. Place the end of the bar onto the inside of the foot of the bottom leg (right leg) and the other end on the floor in front of you with your hand, gently keeping it still. (If you don’t have a weighted bar, use a small weight that will stay put on the inside of your foot)
  4. Now raise the bottom leg slowly up and down to lift and lower the bar. Perform 10-12 reps and switch sides. If it feels too easy, go to a heavier bar.

5. Leg Press-Ups

The leg press-up exercise targets your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. It helps with building lower body strength and muscle definition.

woman using an exercise step

How to Perform Leg Press-Ups:

  1. Stand behind a bench, stool, low chair, or step. You can hold dumbbells in your hands for an extra challenge.
  2. Place your right foot on top of the bench so the foot is flat. Lean slightly forward.
  3. Press your body up until your right leg is straight, keeping weight on the heel of the right foot. The left foot should come off the ground.
  4. Lower with control, keeping weight on the right foot. Repeat ten times. Switch feet.

6. Side Step-Ups

The side step-up exercise targets the muscles in your outer thighs, hips, and glutes while promoting strength, stability, and balance.

*Note: This move may seem similar to the step-ups, but the action provided when the muscles and connective tissue surrounding your knee joint pull you up sideways strengthens the tissue surrounding the knee.

woman alternating steps with fitness step

How to Perform Side Step-Ups:

  1. Stand alongside a long step or bench, so the step is on your right. You can hold dumbbells in your hands for an extra challenge.
  2. Place right foot on top of the step, follow with left, then step left down and right down. Repeat ten times and switch sides.

7. Kneeling Dumbbell Glute Lift

The kneeling dumbbell glute lift is a great exercise to target and strengthen, you guessed it, your glute muscles! It helps improve hip extension and posture too!

woman on hands and knees with weight behind her knee

How to Perform Kneeling Dumbbell Glute Lifts:

  1. Kneel on all fours and place a light dumbbell behind your right knee.
  2. Keep your back flat and abs very tight, and do not arch your lower back at any time.
  3. Squeeze the glute to lift your right leg behind you, keeping the dumbbell snug so it doesn’t fall out. Lift and lower with control. Repeat ten times and switch legs.

8. Stiff-Legged Deadlift

This stiff-legged deadlift exercise targets your hamstrings, lower back and glutes. It also helps with posterior chain strength and overall stability.

woman bending at the waist with free weights

How to Perform a Stiff-Legged Deadlift:

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold heavy dumbbells or barbells in your hands in front of your legs.
  2. Soften your knees and slowly lower the weights down your shins, keeping your back long and your eyes forward.
  3. Once your back is parallel to the floor, squeeze your hamstrings, glutes, and abs as you slowly pull weights back up your legs to a standing position. Repeat ten times.

9. Single-Leg Hamstring Bridge Lifts

The single-leg hamstring bridge lift exercise has loads of benefits like targeting your hamstrings and glutes, strengthening your posterior chain, and improving hip stability.

woman laying down with feet up on chair

How to Perform a Single-Leg Hamstring Bridge Lift:

  1. Lay on your back and place your feet on a bench or step (the bottom of the staircase is fine.)
  2. Extend your right leg up in the air and tight squeeze your glutes and abs.
  3. Now, push through your left heel to raise your hips off the ground. Lower slowly and with control. Repeat this move ten times and switch legs.

10. Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-In

The stability ball hamstring roll-in exercise targets your hamstrings and core muscles. It improves your stability, strength, and overall coordination!

woman laying down with feet on workout ball

How to Perform the Stability Ball Hamstring Roll-In:

  1. Begin lying on your back, arms by your side, and feet on top of a stability ball.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and abs and lift your body up, so you are in a straight line with only your shoulders and head relaxed on the mat.
  3. Pull heels toward glutes, rolling the ball in, then push the ball back out. Continue to pull the ball in and out for the desired number of reps. Slowly lower the body back to the mat.

Watch the Full Leg Exercises for Bad Knees Workout

Follow along as I personally take you through the full list of best leg exercises for bad knees.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”wnYiz37U” upload-date=”2021-03-04T04:44:45.000Z” name=”10 Best Exercises For Knee Pain” description=”These 10 lower-body strengthening exercises are designed to keep your knees healthy. Begin to incorporate these 10 lower body exercises into your regular workout routine to help combat knee pain. ” player-type=”static”]

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Some of the most notable reasons you may be experiencing knee pain include:

  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease that can cause knee pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion.
  • Tendonitis: Overuse of a tendon during certain activities like running, jumping, or cycling can cause inflammation.
  • Meniscus tear: The meniscus is the tough, rubbery cartilage between the shinbone and thighbone that serves as a shock absorber. It can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while putting weight on it.
  • Knee bursitis: Inflammation in the bursae, the small sacs of fluid that cushion the outside of your knee joint, can cause significant knee pain. You can also get bursitis in your hips. Check out my full guide on the best exercises for hip bursitis.
  • Fractures: Knee bones, including the kneecap (patella), can be broken during falls or auto accidents. Osteoporosis can also cause weakness that leads to a knee fracture simply by stepping wrong.
  • Ligament injuries: Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or medial collateral ligament (MCL) can cause knee pain and limited mobility.
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome: Also known as runner’s knee, this condition causes pain around the kneecap and can worsen with high-impact activities.

Lifestyle Tips for Stronger Knees

While a leg workout is a great way to improve knee strength, there are other lifestyle factors to take into consideration as well:

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Every extra pound you gain puts about four additional pounds of pressure on your knees when you walk or take the stairs. These are my favorite ways to lose weight without dieting.
  • Keep a foam roller handy: If your quadriceps or hamstring muscles get too tight, they will pull on the knee cap where they insert and create pain. Routine foam rolling or massages can help!
  • Listen to your doctor’s medical advice: If you are recovering from an injury or surgery, be sure to follow doctors’ orders or complete physical therapy exercises before graduating to the exercises listed above.

Why These Leg Exercises Work

As a certified personal trainer for decades, I know from experience what leg exercises will be easy on the knees but still give you a great workout! Here are the reasons I chose these particular exercises:

  • There is no jumping, squats, or lunges — just you, your home gym equipment, and ten exercises to combat knee pain.
  • These exercises will help work the muscles around the knee to help find stability around the knee area.
  • The above workout can be used as your “leg day workout” or part of your weekly stretching and recovery workouts.
  • If you’re looking to increase strength in the lower body in your at-home workouts, I suggest adding the above ten exercises to your training routine at least two times a week.

These leg exercises, designed to be compatible with bad knees, can effectively strengthen your legs without compromising knee health. Consistency is key! Make sure to incorporate these exercises into your regular workout routine and you’ll enjoy the benefits.

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The Best Walking Pads From A Fitness Expert (2024) Wed, 20 Mar 2024 20:11:00 +0000 The best walking pads will help you reach your daily fitness goals and combat a sedentary lifestyle without sacrificing cost or space. Get my expert opinion on speed capacity, portability, size, and affordability, so you can choose the best walking pad for you!

Walking pads come in a variety of sizes, with a mix of functionalities, and of course, different pricing. But the best walking pad for you, is the one you’ll use the most.

I’m looking at the top reviewed walking pads to help you find your perfect match. Whether you need a foldable option, or need to stick to a specific budget, I can help!

My walking pad has been a game changer for my daily steps and movement. Instead of sitting still at my desk all day, I’m getting true exercise in while I work. Trust me, this is a health purchase you won’t regret ; )

Here are my top picks for the best walking pads, including the specific model I have myself!

Cursor Fitness Under Desk Treadmill 2 in 1 Walking Pad (My Walking Pad!)

I was so excited to get this under desk treadmill on Amazon Prime Big Deal Days. A lot of my day is spent in front of a computer. Right now that means I’m sitting a lot!

I’m excited to use my new walking pad for working from home. Instead of sitting on my butt all day, I can stand at my kitchen island overhang and type away while I slowly walk. 

chris freytag using walking pad in kitchen

I love the sturdiness of this walking pad, and the great reviews didn’t hurt either. The white design matches the aesthetic factors in my home, and it’s easy to move and put away.

Most Popular Features:

  • Minimal noise
  • Easy to put away
  • Compact
  • Sleek design
  • Fits under desk
  • Smooth and steady surface with cushioning
  • Easy to navigate control panel
  • Several speed options

Compelling Review From Amazon: “I love how compact and lightweight this walking treadmill is. You can very easily pick it up and move it around to exercise anywhere in the house and easily store out of the way, instead of it becoming another place to hang clothes on. This is great for brisk walking but not a running pace, which is great for watching TV and getting some steps in. Would also be perfect for a standup desk area. The remote works well and helps you fine tune the speed easily. It has proven to be durable, lightweight, and not too noisy. The value is exceptional and I hope I get a ton of use out of it.”

WALKINGPAD C1 Foldable Treadmill Walking Pad

This sleek walking pad is a great foldable option. It comes with a super compact design, manual and automatic control options, and syncs with your Apple Watch. 

two angled views of white and black walking pad compact treadmill

Most Popular Features:

  • Works well will standing desks
  • Comfortable to walk on
  • Foldable
  • Slim design
  • Remote feature
  • Smart safety features
  • Syncs with fitness watches
  • Speed setting capabilities
  • Great customer service

Compelling Review From Amazon: I love it so far!! I upgraded from my cheap one I bought on Amazon 2 years ago and I love how this one folds under my desk and how it’s skinnier than my old one so my chair fits next to it. The app for me works great and I love how it also syncs with my watch! I also love how you can set your own speeds and it automatically adjusts.

WALKINGPAD S1 Foldable Walking Pad Ultra Slim Smart Fold

This space saving walking pad has a foldable design with two rollers for easy movement. It also comes with a remote control, footstep induction speed control, and a noise free experience.

woman walking on white and black walking pad holding phone in front of her

Most Popular Features:

  • Space saving design
  • Easy setup
  • Foldable
  • Remote feature
  • Front wheels make it easy to move on flat surfaces
  • Good for working from home activity
  • Great supplement to regular exercise
  • Excellent customer service

Compelling Review From Amazon: “10/10 worth the money. If you work from home this is a must. Would buy again.”

FYC Under Desk Treadmill

This under desk treadmill has two different mode capacities. It can be used under a desk for walking, or independently with raised handlebars for running. It’s easy to use and its foldable design make it a compact option for reaching your exercise goals.

woman walking on walking pad with lifted handle bar

Most Popular Features:

  • Easy setup
  • Stores in flat or upright position
  • Sturdy
  • Quiet
  • Lightweight
  • Remote feature
  • Clear display
  • Easily rolls

Compelling Review From Amazon: “This is one of the best purchases that I’ve made on Amazon. I’ve used it almost every single day since I bought it over a year ago. It still is working great and has done wonder for not only my physical health but my mental health. I’m able to easily walk while I work and it’s so compact that I can store right in my home office next to my desk. My 65 year old mom even bought one for herself after testing out mine! Highly recommend this walking pad for anyone looking.”

FYC Under Desk Treadmill - 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill Desk Workstation for Home
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RHYTHM FUN Treadmill

This under desk treadmill has a wider belt compared to other walking pads, giving it a higher comfort level and smoother experience. It’s compact, space saving, and comes with a noise reduction design.

Most Popular Features:

  • Great tech support
  • Quiet design
  • Easily movable
  • Simple maintenance
  • Solid build
  • Convenient under bed storage
  • Durable

Compelling Review From Amazon: “I’ve had this walking pad for over 2 years now and use it daily! I love it. There was no set up involved, you just plug the cord in and turn it on! It conveniently fits under my bed when it is not in use (though it is a little heavy to move around but that’s just more of a workout which is fine by me)! Very durable and haven’t had any issues with product performance. I do make sure to lubricate the band regularly. My remote stopped working recently so I contacted the seller for a replacement remote and they sent me 2 remotes immediately! The new remotes are a better/sleeker design and work great. Great customer service and quick response time as well. Highly recommend this product and seller!”

Understanding Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

We typically think of movement and calorie expenditure in terms of minutes of exercise. But, a lot of our daily activity actually comes from “non-exercise activity thermogenesis” (NEAT). This includes all the activities we fit into our busy schedules that aren’t “exercise.” Things like walking to lunch, pacing on the phone, cleaning, cooking, climbing up and down stairs, standing with a friend or watching your kids, folding laundry, hobbies, and the list goes on. 

Think of all the daily tasks that require some kind of small physical activity. That’s NEAT. Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic explains the importance of NEAT and the worthwhile opportunity for weight loss and other health gains.

Dr. Levine pioneered the treadmill desk and his studies showed that when a healthy individual walks at a slow pace of around 1-2 mph during the workday, they can burn a significant amount of extra calories. This can make a huge impact in people’s weight loss efforts. It’s not sweaty exercise, it’s just consistent movement.

Levine makes convincing arguments that NEAT could burn up to 1,000 extra calories per day when added strategically to the workday. He also explained that obese individuals perform drastically less NEAT than those within a healthy weight range.

As we begin to understand the importance of NEAT, it’s easy to see how working from home or sitting at a desk all day can be quite an obstacle. How can you incorporate more movement into your day when you’re glued to a desk?

That’s where walking pads come into play!

Walking Pads vs. Treadmills

Both walking pads and classic treadmills provide an opportunity for cardiovascular exercise. They are both exercise equipment tools with user-friendly operation that can be used in a home gym or home office. However, the two have pretty stark differences.

Treadmills are commonly known for their powerful performance and have been a staple running machine in home gyms for years. They are typically heavy and immobile, and take up quite a bit of space. Treadmills come with lots of great features, like incline control and higher maximum speed capacities. They can be used for anything from a daily walk to an intense run. These are my favorite treadmill workouts for weight loss.

Walking pads are a newer product to the market. With many workers trying to combat sitting at a desk all day, and social media trends like cozy cardio, it makes sense that these walking pads are quickly gaining popular product reviews. 

These compact treadmill options are smaller, have lower speed capacities, and are usually portable making them a great option for limited space. They are a simpler, more afforadable option that allow you to walk for a long time in your home work environment or living room. Some have the capacity for running, but not nearly in the same way as a traditional treadmill does.

Want to learn more about the best exercise tools for home? Check out my picks for the best home gym equipment.

Benefits of Walking Pads

I think walking pads are brilliant! From a personal standpoint, I have a regular workout routine in the early morning but I still sit at my computer desk to work all day. I can’t stand how little movement my body is getting the rest of the day. However, I am not interested in a full size treadmill that would have to go in my basement. I wanted a portable walking machine that I can use in my kitchen under my counter or in my family room.  

Living in the midwest also means the weather varies quite a bit throughout the year. I love getting outside in the evening to walk, but in the colder months it can be tough. Walking pads work well just about anywhere. Any space from a small apartment to a home will work. Whether you’re working from home or just watching TV, the extra steps will benefit your health and general mobility.

Here are just a few of the benefits of walking pads:

  • Increase NEAT activity easily at home
  • Compact designs are great for small spaces
  • Easy to store when not in use
  • Easy way to stay active while working
  • Affordable pricing

Getting Started With Walking Pads

Walking pads are different than traditional treadmills. If you’re just starting to learn about walking pads, here are a few things you should know:

  • Speed Capacity: Walking pads are made for slower movement than treadmills. Most walking pads have a range of different speeds, and will top out at a certain point. Top speed can max out around 4 miles per hour. If you’re looking for higher speeds or an option for running, a traditional treadmill might be a better fit.
  • Incline: Most walking pads do not come with an adjustable incline feature. There are some available, but the added functionality typically makes them bulkier like regular treadmills.
  • Portability: This is the beauty of the walking pad. It works well in small spaces. The compact design allows for easy storage under desks, beds or standing against the wall, saving you valuable space. Some models are even foldable.  
  • Size: These machines are made to be compact. Small, foldable and movable designs are popular. I recommend measuring your space or spaces where you plan to use the walking pad before purchasing. It never hurts to double check!
  • Weight Capacity: The weight capacity for walking pads is much lower than a traditional treadmill. You’ll want to check to see where your weight falls in comparison with the weight capacity of the machine. Common weight capacities are around 200 pounds, or to 250 pounds. You’ll want to choose an option that works with your weight limit.
  • Walking Pad Affordability: The good news is, since they are smaller and simpler than traditional treadmills, they are more affordable too. Many walking pads fall within the price range of $200 to $500. 
  • Data Tracking: Fair warning, a fitness tracker on your wrist like the Apple Watch may not accurately record your steps if you’re working at a standing desk. Typing and resting your arms on the desk will throw off the tracking. Luckily, most of the models have the basic features of reporting your speed, time, distance and calories burned. 

Walking Pads for Weight Loss

Extra movement will definitely help increase your calorie expenditure, but there’s no black and white answer when it comes to weight loss. For example, if you walk during your whole day but are also eating a bunch of junky snacks and sugary drinks, are you really going to lose weight? It’s important to look at health as a total package. PS if you are walking all day you may be less inclined to reach for snacks. It’s way easier to eat while sitting in a chair.

Walking pads can absolutely be helpful in your weight loss journey. If you’re already incorporating a healthy diet and appropriate exercise levels, extra daily movement may help push you towards your goals. I do approximately one hour of rigorous exercise each morning during the work week, but I still love my walking pad for general mobility, extra steps and extra calories burned at the end of the day. It helps keep my body fight off the stiffness and soreness that comes with sitting for long periods of time. The extra low-impact activity also keeps my joints lubricated and strong. Which in turn helps me stay healthy and prevent injury. 

Strength trainingcore exercises, and yoga are all great additions to expedite your weight loss journey. Walking pads can help with weight loss when you incorporate them into a well rounded strategy. Check out exactly how many steps a day you need to lose weight.

Under Desk Walking Pads for Working From Home

Any of the walking pads listed above make a great addition to a home office. Instead of sitting still all day, you can get up and move while you work.

Walking pads work best with standing desks, or adjustable height desks. Ideally, you’ll be able to stand, walk, or sit in at the same desk throughout your day.

Standing desks are typically more minimalistic in design, and many of them are completely adjustable to the height you need. This make it easy to keep a walking pad underneath, or swap to a chair.

Here is one of the top rated electric standing desks on Amazon that comes in various sizes and colors:

FLEXISPOT Electric Standing Desk

Today’s fast-paced world is seeming more sedentary than ever, and walking pads are the perfect fix!

These smart pieces of exercise equipment can turn working, watching TV, or cooking into one of your favorite ways to stay active. Keeping your body moving is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It’s never too late to start moving, so why not start with a walking pad?

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Strength Training for Women Over 50: 11 Best Moves Wed, 20 Mar 2024 18:38:02 +0000 While aging is inevitable, aging well is not. There are many factors involved in maintaining good physical and mental health as you age, but one of the most important things to consider as you grow older is weight training. The below strength training exercises are proven to get results for women over 50.

I’ve been a personal trainer for over 30 years. My body has aged right along with my clients. I know from personal experience that strength training not only keeps you feeling and looking younger and stronger but actually physically slows down the aging process.

And while exercise comes in many forms, strength training is where the true anti-aging magic happens. Muscle is the secret to metabolism, having energy, sleeping better, maintaining weight and balancing hormones. Strength training is one of the best types of exercises for women over 50 – it’s time to start! 

Let’s explore in detail the benefits of strength training for women and some of the specific strength training exercises that I recommend that women over 50 do.

Weight Training for Women Over 50 Program Guide

7 Reasons Why Is It Important to Strength Train After 50 

I sound like a broken record but as a 58 year old woman, I know firsthand that women who consistently strength train look, feel and move better. Muscle is the secret to aging well and keeping independent and mobile.

1. Weight Training For Women Builds Lean Muscle Mass 

As we get older, our bodies inevitably go through muscle loss if we’re not focused on a strength training workout regularly. We women lose approximately a half pound to a full pound of muscle a year after the age of 35 if we are not actively replacing it. Those who strength train see tighter, more toned bodies.

And, it’s a myth that weight training will make you bulk up. Muscle is a more dense, metabolic tissue than body fat and takes less space. It will, in fact, help you achieve that coveted sculpted appearance everyone wants.

Cardio workouts help burn calories and get your heart pumping, which is critical for your overall heart health and weight management. But strength training is the secret to aging gracefully and feeling capable.

Being stronger means you can stay independent and strong for life’s daily activities such as carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren, or engaging in fun activities like golf or other sports. 

As I said above, around the age of 35, we women start to lose our muscle mass if not doing anything to actively replace it. As many women age, they become more sedentary, and hence, their muscles start to deteriorate.

There is no pill to take or potion to drink that builds muscle. You have to do the work.

2. Weight Training For Women Builds Bone Density & Reduces Injury Risk

Muscle loss can have further consequences on bone health. Unexpected falls put countless older people in the hospital every year.

In fact, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury and death in older Americans.

By training the muscle and connective tissue that surrounds your bones, you are making yourself stronger and helping to prevent a fall from happening in the first place. Bone density is a big deal and strength training is the best way to preserve it.

The stronger your muscles are, the less likely you’ll be to get injured during everyday tasks or workouts.

How? Strong muscles protect your bones and joints when they’re in motion and make your ligaments better at absorbing the shock they endure during dynamic movements.

To avoid random strains and sprains, incorporate weekly strength training into your routine.

Injury prevention is important, especially as you age—and it’s an often-overlooked benefit of building muscle.

3. Weight Training For Women Decreases Body Fat

Maintaining a healthy weight is important when it comes to preventing many diseases that come with aging. Strength training can help you build muscle and paired with a healthy clean diet, can help you decrease body fat.

Strength training also creates an calorie after-burn, keeping your body churning through calories for a longer period of time after your workout than a cardio workout.

4. Weight Training Speeds Up Metabolism

It’s cruel but true – as you age, your metabolism can begin to slow down. One great way to revive it is by weight training.

Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is how many calories your body burns at rest; the more muscle you have on your body, the higher that metabolic rate is.

Essentially, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism works. Let that sink in: more muscle means a faster metabolism. When you have more muscle mass in your body, you burn more calories every day even when just sitting on the couch.

5. Weight Training Improves Mental Health

Strength training is not just about more muscle mass. As you get older, you may go through a lot of life changes. Feeling strong gives you confidence, makes you feel better about your body, and helps you sleep better.

Adopting a strength training program has been shown to boost your mental health which is so important as we enter this next phase known as mid-life.

Harvard Medical School reports that exercise helps lessen the incidence and the degree of clinical depression.

6. Weight Training For Women Improves Balance, Coordination, and Mobility

Regular strengthening workouts improve your balance and coordination, which helps you do just about everything, from yoga and dance to daily tasks.

As you age, you tend to lose the overall muscle strength that allows you to balance. By lifting weights, you are not only building up muscle strength and protecting bone health, but you are also forcing your body to fire up your core muscles and stabilizers, thus improving overall balance and coordination.

The concept of functional fitness  is that you can function and do everyday activities with ease. Strength training helps you maintain your ability to push, pull, twist and move through space.

Bending, lifting, balancing—all of these movements are actually very important as you age. If you can strength train, it will help you stay more coordinated and capable throughout the years.

For balance exercises, check out our guide: Balance Exercises for Seniors: You Can Improve Balance

7. Weight Training For Women Reduces The Risk of Many Diseases

According to Tufts University, strength training exercises will reduce the risks and symptoms of several health problems too, including arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain, and depression.

11 Best Strength Training Exercises for Women Over 50

Here are 11 strength training exercises for women over 50 that will work for every muscle group and give you a good total body workout. Several exercises use your body weight, and a few require a set of dumbbells.

Choose a weight that allows you to complete 12 repetitions of each exercise. If the exercise feels too easy, go a little heavier. 

Workout Instructions

  • Perform each exercise shown below anywhere between 12 and 15 repetitions.
  • Repeat the entire circuit of the 11 strength training moves a total of 2 times through the circuit. Between each circuit, take a 1-minute break to grab your breath and start back from the top.

1. Basic Squats for Strength Training

Chris Freytag performing basic squats

Here’s how to perform a basic squat:

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width distance apart. Hips, knees, and toes all pointing forward. 
  2. Bend your knees and sit your butt back as if you are going to sit in a chair. Primarily keeping your weight equally in both heels, allowing you to keep your knees behind your toes. 
  3. Hit the bottom of your squat, pause, and then rise back up to stand and repeat the full exercise. 

Muscles Targeted: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, and Core 

2. Modified Push Up for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a modified push-up from her knees on a purple yoga mat.

Here’s how to perform a modified push-up: 

  1. Begin in a kneeling position with your hands below your shoulders and knees back behind your hips. 
  2. Keep your gaze in front of your fingertips so your neck stays long, squeeze your glutes and inner thighs together, keeping the lower body active. 
  3. Slowly lower yourself to the ground, keeping your elbows back at about a 45-degree angle. 
  4. Press yourself back up to the starting position 
  5. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions

Advancement to this Exercise: Once you have mastered the modified push-up try a full push-up from your toes.

Begin in a high plank position, hands stacked underneath the shoulders, legs long behind you. Lower your chest to the floor, with your elbows pointing slightly back, until you are just above the ground.

As you exhale, tighten your belly and push yourself back up to a plank position. 

Muscles Targeted: Upper Body, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, and even your Core.

3. Reverse Grip Double Arm Row for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a reverse grip dummbell row with a pair of black dumbbells.

Here’s how to perform a reverse grip double arm row

  1. Start this exercise with your legs together and sit back into a small squat; engaging the glutes and abdominal wall. Arms will be stretched out in front of the body holding the weights with the palms facing the ceiling.  
  2. Drawing your elbows back by squeezing your upper back muscles together, pull the elbows gently past the hips so you feel the lats and triceps engage and return to the starting position with control. 

Options: Start with a lighter set of weights and focus on slow-controlled movements. Take a 3-second pause at the top of the range of motion and slowly return to the starting position.

Once you’ve mastered lighter weights with a slow and controlled pace, grab a set of heavier weights and try completing a few more repetitions. 

Muscle Groups Targeted: Upper Body, Triceps, Back, and Shoulders 

4. Full Body Roll-Up for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a full body roll-up on a purple yoga mat.

Here’s how to perform a full-body roll-up:

  1. Start lying on a mat (or the ground) with your arms extended overhead, legs long, and feet flexed towards your face. 
  2. Inhale as you lift your arms up and begin curling your chin to your chest. Exhale as you roll the entire torso up and over, keeping your legs straight, abs engaged, reaching down towards the toes. 
  3. Inhale as you begin to roll back down your spine, one vertebra at a time, and exhale as the upper portion of the back lowers to the ground, reaching your arms back overhead. 
  4. Repeat moving slowly and using the abdominals to lift and lower, not using momentum. 

Muscle Groups Targeted: Core, Shoulders, and Back

5. Dumbbell Deadlifts for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a dumbbell deadlift with dumbbells.

Here’s how to perform a Dumbbell Deadlift

  1. Start standing with your feet hip-width distance apart and weights facing towards the front of your thighs. 
  2. Tighten your abdominals and keep a flat back as you bring a soft bend through the knees, lowering the dumbbells towards the floor. 
  3. Send your butt backward with a slight hip hinge, squeeze the glutes, and use your hamstrings to lift and return to your upright position. 

Muscle Groups Targeted With This Exercise: Hamstrings and Glutes 

6. Forward Lunge with Bicep Curl for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a forward lunge with a bicep curl using dumbbells.

Here’s how to do a Forward Lunge with A Bicep Curl:  

  1. Start standing tall with your feet hip-width distance apart. Take a large step forward with the right leg and lower your back knee down to the floor. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge
  2. Bring weights in towards your shoulders to complete the bicep curl at the bottom of the lunge, then push off the front foot and return to the starting position. 
  3. Repeat on the other side. 

Muscle Groups Targeted: Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, and Biceps

7. Forearm Plank for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a forearm plank on a purple yoga mat.

Here’s how to hold a forearm plank

  1. Begin by lying on the floor with your forearms flat on the ground. Your elbows should be aligned directly below your shoulders. Hands should be separated by the width of your elbows. 
  2. Engage your core, press down through your elbows, and raise your body up off the floor, keeping your body in a straight line from your head down to your feet. Pull your navel into your spine and squeeze your glutes to keep your hips in line with your shoulders. 

Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Modifications to this Exercise: Drop down to your knees and hold from your forearms and your knees. This will allow you to focus on squeezing your belly into your spine without dropping your hips or dumping pressure into your low back. 

Chris Freytag doing a forearm plank modified from her knees on a purple yoga mat.

Muscle Groups Targeted with This Exercise: Core/ Abdominals, Shoulder, Chest, Upper Back, Arm, and Leg Muscles.

8. Single Leg Hamstring Bridge for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing a single leg glute bridge on a purple yoga mat.

Here’s how to perform a single leg hamstring bridge

  1. Lie on your back with bent knees both hip-width distance apart. Your feet will be flat on the mat stacked underneath your knees. Once in a bridge position, extend your right leg long towards the ceiling. 
  2. Squeezing your glutes and lower body and then lifting your hips off of the mat into a bridge. Lower and lift the hips for a desired number of reps and then repeat the exercise on the left leg.

Muscle Groups Targeted: Hamstrings, Glutes, and Quads

9. Tricep Kick Back for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing tricep kickbacks standing with black dumbbells.

Here’s how to perform a tricep kickback

  1. Start with your feet together (or hip-width distance apart), sit back into a slight squat with arms bent at 90-degree angles, and weights at the sides of the chest. 
  2. Press the dumbbells back past the hips, keeping the line from your shoulder to your elbow joint stable and only finding movement from the elbow joint to the dumbbell. Return back to the starting position with weights at 90 degrees.

Advanced Option: Stability Ball Tricep Kick Back

Adding the stability ball to a tricep kickback is a strength exercise that will not only strengthen the triceps but will also challenge your core stability.

An exercise that can be done by all levels from beginners to advanced will make you work your entire body in order to keep you on the stability ball. 

Chris Freytag doing tricep kickbacks with dumbbells, lying on a silver/ grey stability ball.

Here’s how to do a stability ball tricep kickback: 

  1. Holding dumbbells, place your chest firmly on the ball with arms draped along your side body and legs extended on the floor behind you. Keep your head in line with your spine, squeezing your glutes to hold yourself in a stable plank position on the ball. 
  2. Pull your elbow up to a 90-degree angle for the starting position of the tricep kickback. 
  3. Press the dumbbell back, squeezing the triceps. 
  4. Release weights back down to starting position, maintaining balance on the stability ball the entire time. 

Muscle Groups Targeted: Triceps and Core. 

10. Shoulder Overhead Press for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing an overhead shoulder press with black dumbbells.

Here’s how to perform a shoulder overhead press

  1. Start with your feet hip-width distance apart. Bring your elbows out to the side creating a goal post position with your arms. Elbows will be straight out from shoulder height and abdominals held in tight. 
  2. Press dumbbells straight overhead until your arms are straight. Slowly return to starting position (goal post arms) with control. 

Muscle Groups Targeted: Shoulders

11. Bird Dog for Strength Training

Chris Freytag doing bird dog on a purple yoga mat.

How to perform bird dog

  1. Kneel on a mat (or any soft surface) on all fours
  2. Reach one arm long, drawing in the abdominals, and extend the opposite leg long behind you. 
  3. Hold, engage your lower body for 5-10 seconds, and return to all fours. 
  4. Repeat on the other side.  

Muscles Groups Targeted: Abdominals and Low Back

Try These Strength Exercises Two Different Ways

1. 10-Minute AMRAP Workout

(As Many Rounds as Possible Workout) – Set a timer for 10 Minutes. Complete a total of 10 repetitions of each exercise above. Repeat as many times as possible within 10 minutes.

Take breaks as needed – the goal is to get through as many rounds as you can of all strength exercises in the 10 minutes. 

2. Circuit Workout

In this circuit workout, we are going to bundle a few of the exercises together and you will repeat each circuit 2 times. 

  • Complete Exercises 1 – 4 together: You will complete 10 repetitions of each exercise (squats, mid-back rows, modified push-ups, and the full-body roll-up) and repeat the circuit again for a total of 2 rounds. 
  • Complete Exercises 5 – 7 together: After completing 2 rounds of exercises 1 – 4, you will move on to exercises 5 through 7. Completing 10 repetitions of each (deadlift, lunges with bicep curls, and 1 minute of a forearm plank) and repeat the circuit for a total of 2 rounds. If you need to modify the forearm plank you can adjust the time down to 30 seconds or drop down to your knees and continue to engage your core. 
  • Complete Exercises 8 – 11 together: After completing the first 2 circuits, you will move on to the third circuit which consists of exercises 8 through 11 (single leg hamstring bridge, tricep kickback, shoulder overhead press, and bird dog). Complete 10 repetitions of the 4 exercises and repeat the circuit one more time! 
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Additional Strength Training Tips for Women Over 50

The CDC has set the guideline that everyone should perform strength training activities at least two days a week. This goes for anyone in their 30s and all the way up into your 50s, 60s, and even 70s!

Strength training is perfectly safe for women over 50, but there are a few tips you should know before getting started: 

  • Consult your doctor before dramatically changing your exercise regimen or if you have any pre-existing conditions or injuries. 
  • Consider adding an electrolyte supplement to your pre-exercise routine to keep your energy levels up. I noticed a dip in energy when I hit my 50’s, and now I take a supplement before every work out!

The good news is that we can beat the odds by continuing to weight train, helping to build and maintain muscles throughout life!

So what are you waiting for, grab a pair of weights and get started with your weight training journey today! 

More questions? Be sure to check out our beginner’s guide to strength training for women.

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9 Juicing Recipes for Beginners: Healthy & Delicious Tue, 19 Mar 2024 18:37:58 +0000 Use these nine juicing recipes for beginners to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your diet while enjoying the wellness benefits of extra essential nutrients and vitamins.

Many of us are committed to eating better but it can be hard to know where to start, or which trends to pay attention to. I love the juicing concept, and I use juicing recipes that pack a healthy punch to get extra nutritional benefits.

And, I’m here to tell you not to be intimidated by juicing! It’s as simple as putting your favorite ingredients in the juice and letting your machine do the hard work. Plus, I’m giving you my all-time favorite healthy juicing recipes below!

Which one are you going to start with?

Here are my nine favorite juicing recipes, plus extra bonus tips for juicing beginners!

The Energizer Juice

This isn’t your average carrot juice! The perfect mix of veggies and fresh fruits packs this hydrating juice with vitamin C and includes fresh lemon juice to help balance your body’s pH.

PS. You might be surprised about some of the amazing health benefits from carrots!

carrots and orange juice in 2 cups

How to Make Energizer Juice:

Energizer Juicing Recipe3 Carrots
1 Green Apple
1 Pear
1/2 Lemon
1 Inch Ginger, Peeled

The Beet Blaster Juice

Even if you don’t like beets, you have to give this juice a try! The apple and carrots in this tasty beet juice recipe are sweet, balancing the earthy beet flavor.

Beets are a superfood that helps detoxify the skin and kidneys. They contain essential folic acid and are filled with betacyanin, which is known to prevent cancer and increase exercise endurance. I even put together a quick guide detailing the health benefits from beets.

Tip: Wash and rinse the beets well with a strainer and cut them into pieces that will fit into the juicer.

purple beets and beet juice

How to Make Beet Blaster Juice:

Beet Blaster Juicing Recipe2 Beets with tops, medium-sized
3 Carrots
1 Apple

Green Machine Juice

You won’t believe you’re drinking kale! The sweetness of the pineapple makes this juice drink feel like a treat.

The green machine is filled with vitamin B, calcium, and iron (thanks to the leafy greens), which leave you energized and ready for your day.

Plus, you’re in good company. Leafy greens are one the Bluezone foods that the longest living populations of people eat regularly!

green juice with pineapple and apple

How to Make Green Machine Juice:

Green Machine Juicing Recipe1/2 Bunch of Kale
1 Cucumber
1 1/4 cups Pineapple

The Healthy Mary Juice

This is the Bloody Mary’s healthy sister! You haven’t had real tomato juice until you make it fresh and add a little kick to spice things up.

Tomatoes are one of my favorite healthy foods. They’re rich in antioxidants, along with beta-carotene and lycopene, both of which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.

red tomato jucie

How to Make Healthy Mary Juice:

Healthy Mary Juicing Recipe2 Large Tomatoes
4 Stalks Celery
1 Jalapeno, seeded
1/4 Lemon, peel removed
1/2 Cup Cilantro
1/2 Cucumber

Citrus Zinger Juice

Good morning, gorgeous! Take your morning orange juice up a notch with this vibrant citrus juice. The vitamins and minerals in this fruit juice get my blood pumping, and the smell and taste really wake me up.

I also add a little club soda to the recipe in the summer to make a healthy spritzer on hot days. Yum!

orange juice on a table

How to Make Citrus Zinger Juice:

Citrus Zinger Juicing Recipe3 Oranges, peeled
1/2 Ruby Red Grapefruit, peeled
1 Apple

The Popeye Special Juice

If you have a hard time “eating your spinach,” this is the juice for you! I add strawberries and kiwi to sweeten the spinach up, and the combo tastes incredible.

Plus, the juice is filled to the brim with potassium, iron, vitamins, and micronutrients to make you as strong as Popeye.

green juice with spinach

How to Make Popeye Special Juice:

Popeye Special Juicing Recipe5 Cups of Spinach
1 Cup Strawberries
2 Kiwis, peeled

Garden Party Juice

Get your garden party on with this tasty vegetable juice! The beauty of juicing is that when you use carrots or apples, the other super healthy but strong flavors, such as parsley and green pepper, aren’t as pronounced.

vegetables and green juice

How to Make Garden Party Juice:

Garden Party Juicing Recipe5 cups of spinach
1 Green Apple
1/4 Cup Parsley
1 Green Pepper
3 Carrots

Snake Bite Juice

This is one of the first juice recipes I ever made, and it’s still my kids’ favorite. The snake bite is sweet, but the fresh ginger gives it a healthy bite!

Fresh ginger helps to optimize the immune system and is also known to improve digestion and circulation.

Here are 11 more immune boosting foods to add to your diet!

giner juice

How to Make Snake Bite Juice:

Snake Bite Juicing Recipe3 Carrots
1 Inch Ginger, Peeled
1 Green Apple

The Grass is Greener Juice

One of the biggest health topics is how to boost your immunity. Juicing isn’t just a weight loss topic; it’s a great way to get more immune-boosting, fresh ingredients regularly — and this green juice recipe is the perfect option.

Wheatgrass is full of vitamins and nutrients that help boost immunity and energy. The combination of wheatgrass and vitamin C-rich lime makes this juice recipe the perfect flu and cold-fighting formula to keep you Kleenex-free.

Mint is also known to clear up congestion and is a natural stimulant, so if you feel the sniffles coming on, this is the drink for you!

Note: Pregnant or nursing mothers should not consume wheatgrass.

green juice and grass

How to Make Grass is Greener Juice:

Grass is Greener Juicing Recipe2 Handfuls of snipped Wheat Grass
2 Carrots
1/4 Lime, peel removed
3 Stems of Fresh Mint
2 Green Apples

Why Juicing Is Good For Your Overall Health

As a certified fitness coach, I get tons of questions every year about what helps you lose weight the fastest, but my approach to nutrition is simple: I try to eat from a plant, tree, or animal at every meal. Fruits and vegetables are a non-negotiable for me!

I avoid highly processed or pre-prepared foods as much as possible. I also avoid quick-fix detoxes, radical cleanses, or empty promises from companies trying to cash in — because I believe that if you eat well, your body will take care of itself.

I don’t recommend a juicing meal plan and do not advocate juice cleanses or fasts that eliminate whole foods. But drinking fresh juice alongside healthy small meals and other eating habits is an easy way to ensure you get your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables and boost your overall wellness.

Juicing is the quickest, most delicious way to add nutrients to your body and help you feel totally energized. (Oh, and it tastes great!) You may be surprised as to how easily you, too, will become obsessed with this healthy habit.

Health Benefits of Juicing

By extracting the natural juices from fresh produce, you can enjoy a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are easily absorbed by your body.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of juicing:

Boosts Your Immune SystemThe vitamins and antioxidants you get from fresh fruits and vegetables can help strengthen your immune system, making it more efficient in fighting off illness and disease.
Increases Nutrient IntakeJuicing allows you to consume a higher quantity of fruits and vegetables in one sitting, increasing your intake of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Improves DigestionThe juicing process results in a liquid that is easy for your body to digest, meaning nutrients are absorbed more quickly and efficiently.
Detoxifies and CleansesMany fruits and vegetables contain natural detoxifying properties that can help flush out harmful substances from your body.
Enhances Energy LevelsThe vitamins and minerals in fresh juices can provide a natural energy boost without relying on caffeine or sugar.
Improves Skin HealthThe vitamins and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables offer hydrating and nourishing properties that contribute to a healthy complexion and youthful glow, just like my favorite skin care products for women over 50!
Reduces InflammationCertain fruits and vegetables used in juicing, such as ginger, turmeric, and leafy greens, contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body

Juicing Tips for Beginners

Ready to get started with juicing? Use the following beginner tips for juicing to get the best benefits for your overall health.

1. Read Your Manual

Typically, I’m not a huge fan of “reading directions,” and mostly just figure appliances out independently. Trust me; you should really read the manual in this case!

My juicer comes with a low and high setting that I can adjust for different vegetables — my manual lists those veggies and what speed they should be juiced at for optimal results.

Also, if you get a big daddy juicer like I have, you need to make sure all the pieces are together correctly so you don’t accidentally juice a finger.

2. Balance Fruit With Veggies

Try to use the 80/20 rule for juicing — 80% veggies and 20% fruit to keep sugar content low. You will also want to remove any skins that are inedible (such as mango skin and citrus peels), large seeds, or pits and wash all of your produce well.

3. Drink Right Away

The point of juicing is to enjoy the fresh juice right away. Fresh juice will lose nutrients as it oxidizes, so plan to drink your juice immediately after making it. If you have extra or can’t drink it all at once, store your juice in an airtight container like a thermos or mason jar, filling it to the top and making sure it’s sealed.

Make sure to refrigerate it ASAP. Fresh juice will keep for up to 24 hours, but I try to drink mine in under 12.

I typically drink my juice for breakfast or as an afternoon pick-me-up. Drinking juice on an empty stomach is best as those nutrients are absorbed right away, and don’t have to fight with other foods your body is trying to digest at the same time.

4. Have Fun!

I have tried tons of juice recipes and then made my own adaptations based on my taste. Try new fruits and vegetables and get your friends and family involved. Don’t be afraid to experiment with cooky concoctions.

Who knows? Maybe beet and broccoli are the next big thing!

Watch My Juicing For Beginners Video Guide

I put together this juicing 101 video to help you get started with easy juicing recipes that you’ll love!

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”kR3gixFl” upload-date=”2021-01-27T20:23:22.000Z” name=”Juicing 101 – Juicing for Beginners ” description=”Juicing for beginners – tips and beginner recipes to make healthy juicing part of your day. Plus the best juicers for every budget. ” player-type=”static”]

The Best Types of Juicers For Every Budget

Juicing machines can vary drastically by price, so I’m going to breakdown the best juicing machines that work best, at every budget level.

Juicer Machine Price Ranges by Budget:

Affordable Juicer$60-$150
Mid-Range Juicer$150-$400
Commercial Grade Juicer$200-$1,000+

I know many sites offer refurbished juicers as well, so that is an option if you don’t want to buy new ones.

Here are my favorite juicer options by budget type:

Affordable Juicer 

When it comes to affordable juicers, this is the best selling juicer on Amazon. And if you are like me, I am convinced when there are over 2,000 good reviews!

I did order this one for my mother-in-law a few years back, and she still uses it and likes it!

Mid-Range Juicer

A middle-of-the-road option is the Breville Juice Fountain Plus at 850 watts, that retails for around $150. Breville is probably the best-known name in juicers and stands for quality.

Commercial Grade Juicer

A little more pricey is the Breville Juice Fountain Elite, with 1,000 watts of rocket-like power. This is a commercial-grade juicer, so if you plan to juice a ton, this is the juicer for you. It retails for $299, so it’s pricey.

I bought this juicer 15 years ago, and although it wasn’t cheap, it may be one of the best investments I have ever made.

The bottom line? Juicing is a flexible and customizable practice!

Feel free to mix and match ingredients and juicers according to your preferences and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing green juice, a colorful fruit juice, or an energizing boost, there’s a recipe for everyone.

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